The Roey, 全名Roebuck Bay Hotel,始建于1890年,是Broome历史最悠久的旅馆。经营范围包括:背包客栈,旅馆,餐厅,3大酒吧(Sports Bar, Oasis Bar, Skylla Lounge) 和 酒超市。
在The Roey, 每周四晚上的Wet T Party极受背包客及当地人欢迎。“没有来过Roey的Broome之旅是不完整的”——大家都这么说。
简单介绍下我在The Roey的岗位:
职位:Account Payable
在due date前给各大供应商付款;
关于Account Payable这个岗位,我暂时没找到对应的中文翻译,而且又是在给会计打下手,暂且称自己为会计助手。欢迎内行小伙伴赐教。
工作时间为周一至周五8:00-16:30, 中午任意休息30分钟,每周工时有40h。
接下来就是狂刷几大招聘网站:Seek, Indeed, Gumtree, Facebook。我甚至在网站上设置了Broome的新工作提醒,只要有新岗位登出,隔天便会收到网站的新岗位汇总提醒。
1月15日,在收到Seek推送的邮件提醒后,火速网投了这个Account Payable的岗位,离家只有800米,骑车5分钟,简直完美。
投完后再仔细一瞧“But if you feel you have the desire and commitment to learn, comeand see us for a chat. Everyone has to start somewhere”莫名被后半句感动到,大白话即:只要你有心要学,过来聊一下,没经验也没关系,每个人都是这样走过来的。
立马让活泼可爱美丽动人的舍友Ophelia帮忙打印了简历,骑着我的Tiffany出门去walk in投简历了。
Walk in当天没聊到什么,递交了简历,员工就让我回来等电话了。这话真心客套啊,但如果他们过几天不给我电话,我一定会厚脸皮再回来的。
然而轮到我面时,整个过程并没有我想象中的严肃和正式,我甚至都想不起来问了啥问题。面试结束后,两位经理Tamara and Sue和我确认了上班时间。【震惊,幸福来得如此突然】
1月21日,正式开启了我在The Roey的办公室打杂生涯。
你们一定和我一样好奇,他们为啥在此岗位上请一个中国的背包客咧?就此我还突发奇想特地“采访”了我的上司Sue Diamond。
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从左到右:Account Payable, Accountant, Bookkeeper
A: I suddenly have this idea. You know I’ve been writing blogs, right?
S: Yea, What have you done now?
A: Would it be OK for you to …like…answer a few questions and I will take a video of that and put it into my next blog?
A: Just a simple very very simple…OK What comes to my mind is…
S: I have to think what comes to your mind.
A: You know I always have new ideas, eh,yes. It is basically about, you know, jobs tips for backpackers who are lookingfor office jobs. That’s what I am going to write, going to share.
S: Jobs tips, wooooo That’s hard. A lot of people don’t want backpackers for office work.
A: Yea yea, we do know that but you knowhere I am.
S: You are lucky, very lucky.
A: Yes. I consider myself very lucky too. So eh, my questions 1 is what do you value the most, you know, in the candidateor the person that’s gonna work with you in the office?
S: Oh God. How I get myself into this.
A: Take it easy, It is very…
S: I know, that’s what I am thinking about. What do I value? Someone who can follow a process. When you use Excel, you can move stuff around.
A: Got that little skills to make works easier. That’s good.
S: Someone who understands. Talking you anyway.
A: Ha, you’re talking about me. Yes. And thank you Sue! My next question will be, I probably have asked you before, but I kind of forget. So when or what made you and Tamara that, you know, kind of came to an agreement that ( to hire me)?
A: Desperately need someone badly.
S: I suppose being Chinese…there is an assumption that Chinese are logical thinkers,clear thinkers, business, I supposed, oriented.
A: But, you know, you just look at my resume…
S: With technical, I don’t know, Chinese people are supposed, are able to get hired in banking and business world. It is just inherent skills. It is something that is within you.
A: Oh, appreciated you saying that because,you know, like we already know, I applied the job on SEEK, and then I walked in, and then when I came for the interview, and I think it is gonna be like hard and truly interview, but when I came for the interview, you were interviewing another young man, right?
S: Yeah, he was just laid-back, and yeah, no worries, when the pressure gets put on, what do he gonna do?
A: But you can tell what you can expect from me that day? Just curious.
S: He had a lot of qualifications in Australia, he wasn’t using it. And you ask yourself why.
A: Emmmm. I am so lucky. Cause I remember that day when I walked in and I ‘ve told you yesterday before I came to the office to meet you and Tamara, I did watch a lot of videos(of MYOB).
A: Yeah, I am just want to be prepared. But what surprised me is, like, we were having a very casual talk about my availability and when to work something like that. And then I got a job. Yes, so now that we are…
S: The hard thing is that I can’t keep you.
A: Yeah I am thinking, I’ll try to be here as long as I can
S:….I can handle it. Cause all the backpackers in Pearlers or Sports bar, they come, they are gone.
A: Before you know it, know them.
S: Exactly. You do payrolls, all the employee files. They come, they go. Trying to keep up with moving it on.
S: It is just something inherent with Chinese, I suppose, you expect them to have more understanding of technology.
A: So have you ever worked with any Chinese before?
S: I have, not many. Just sort of generalized expectation, or perception.
A: Oh~~~I ‘ll take it as an accomplishment.Thank you Sue. And what’s next? So, what’s your first impression of me that day? Although we didn’t really have a very serious interview.
S: You were…impression… you were happy, you were out… Look like you were making things easy to please people.
A: Thank you, even the first day?
S: Even the first day? Especially the firstday.
A: Really? Thank you Sue.
S: Nice personality. Looking to please people.
S: You are still easy to please. Make it easier for the employer.
A: Enjoy to work… enjoy the working.
A: Yes, thank you. So… What’s next what’s next…
S: Stop, turn it off. That’s what’s next.
A: OK Sue. I would make you better Chai Latte. I’ll catch up catch up with the best Chai latte that you’ve ever had. OK. Thank you Sue! I am happy you are doing this for me. Thank you!
