weeding/window/cleaning/cooking时长:每天3小时 换取当天的食物和住宿地点:距离阿德莱德20min车程,做bus大概40分钟的summertown便利指数:家门口就是公交车站,但是一小时一班,小镇上没什么东西Host: max &kathy,还有一只可爱的狗狗molly是一对当地的老夫妇,都已经退休了,但是都非常的健康,积极,阳光,温暖。是无可挑剔的host!
这是我老公帮我写的reviewIt was an unforgettable experience staying with Max and Kathie at their lovely cottage for a week. They are extremely warm, hospitable, and charming. I was genuinely touched by their kindness. The garden work was easy and enjoyable, with the beauty of colorful birds and their adorable little dog. They even wrote a very detailed self-introduction to help others get to know them better. From their introduction, I was deeply inspired by Kathy’s rich experiences, including her travels to various countries and her decision to pursue graduate studies at around 40 years old that give me the idea that age should never be a barrier to personal development and achievements, and we all have the ability to shape our lives in extraordinary ways, without overly emphasizing societal expectations and by embracing our own path. My husband, who is in China, had a brief video call with them and was deeply impressed by their kindness. He is no longer worried about my safety after the chatting. Thanks for the amazing days brought by Max and Kathy.
①晚上的时候可以在客厅和他们一起看电视,max喜欢看关于买house的,还有时候会看一些talent show,过程中他们也会很热情跟你讲解一些当地的历史和文化,歌曲的背景等等。 ②kathy在很多的国家生活过,母亲是新西兰人,父亲是英国人,而她出生在美国,在泰国也生活过。他们还会一起去越南支教,教有disability的孩子们英语。或许因为他们背景的多样性,生活的多样性,才带给我一种他们不是传统老人家的感觉。在kathy四十多岁的时候去学了electronic & it, kathy还会给我展示她做得family tree,在电脑ipad操作上都是很强的,一点也没有人老人家的感觉。他们也会邀请我一起去city看灯光秀,一起去教堂。他们一起去过很多的地方,也招待过各个国家的helper。 ③教堂体验:这是我第一次去教堂做礼拜,在大家唱歌的过程中,我感受到了非常轻松欢愉的氛围,这是一种意料之外的体验,然后每首歌曲大家都非常投入其中。我的评价是The music is just like gentle breeze. ④每天吃饭前还会进行祷告,感谢一天的事情。偶尔也会有客人来拜访,也会认识到其他的人。 ⑤kathy也会有一起来除草,感觉比我还有活力。 ⑥每天的正餐是晚餐,早餐和中午就简单吃。Kathy和max会轮流做一周,一个做饭,则另一个做家务。是很和谐的家庭。 ⑦在离开的时候,max和kathy还有一起帮我祷告,祷告之后的旅途顺利和平安